Sunday, March 20, 2005

Inter-National Human Rights Commission ....

Mody denied visa to visit USA ......

the greatest war crimes have been committed by USA:

targetting a civilian population at Hiroshima and Nagasaki wid Nuclear bombs
carpet bombing of vietnamese

the use of terrorists for their gain

funded and trained Osama to fight Soviet occupation of Afghanistan

funded and armed Pakistan to fite the Soviets by providing arms route to Afghans

same arms used to infiltrate and terrorize kashmir

now offering F16's to both countries
to continue fighting and keep their arms manufacturing industry prosperous

discouraging India and Pakistan to participate in Iran's Gas pipeline to India and China, and instead
offering Nuclear Power energy to both countries

at home in the USA:

carried out a progrom to rid Communism in USA:

any one even suspected of having sympathies to communist idealogies was labelled RED

and careers were destroyed

and guys were even bumped off by using the Mafia to carry out these contract killings


Jim said...

Condoleeza Rice is in India today trying to arm-twist our guys at the centre using the carrot-and-stick approach

Thank God, we now have a Govt. at the Centre who are men and not mice
a Sardar PM and a Finance Minister who nos Finance
- these guys are untouchable
- they cannot be bought

unlike the previous Govt. who sold out to Enron

Anonymous said...

India today has a secular government at the Centre

a Sardar PM
a Hindu Finance Minister
a Muslim President and a scientist
a Christian as Congress President

- Saby